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December 07, 2021 4 min read

Parent’s secret tool to keep kids waking up at night – a weighted blanket

Many parents of young children find that night time routines are a challenge. They also find that they are woken up at night, and children begin showing up in their room or wandering so that they have to be put back to bed. How can parents be productive if no one is sleeping well?

Help create new sleep routines with your child with a weighted blanket. Many people, including children, relax and sleep better under weight.

From 2011 to present Mosaic Weighted Blankets began receiving customer reviews on how well their weighted blankets work. Here are a few testimonials from parents about their children and how they have seen improved sleep routines.

Mary shares: “Our Mosaic Weighted Blanket has helped so much with night terrors. Absolutely amazing. Very happy mommy. This blanket was purchased to help my nine-year-old daughter with her anxiety and insomnia. I was hesitant to order because of the return policy. We have gone through lots of products to try and ease her sleep anxiety, and none have truly worked. She does like the blanket and the extra pressure is calming. I would recommend it to friends and family.”

Anne shares: “ One of our problems are sleeps troubles. With this blanket, my son sleeps much better...and me too!.”

Kelly reviews Mosaic and says: “ I ordered the weighted blanket for my 4-year-old who was having trouble sleeping. She used to wake several times through the night absolutely screaming with anxiety and nightmares. It was impossible to get her back to sleep. After purchasing the weighted blanket, she is like a brand new kid! She started sleeping straight through the night 10-12 hours. If she does wake after kicking the blanket off for some reason, I'm able to put her right back down. Now that she's getting better sleep she's much happier during the day and in just weeks I have noticed a huge improvement in her communication, behavior, and demeanor. I wish I bought it sooner!”

John shares: “My child, who is 6, has Tourette's and was waking up constantly through the night and feeling sleepy all day due to lack of deep sleep. This blanket has been a lifesaver for him. It helps his body to relax in bed and to fall asleep and stay asleep. What a great product!”

Michelle shares: “I have to admit I was a bit skeptical of these weighted blankets for our 8 yr. old twin granddaughters who have difficulty paying attention and sitting still at their desks at school. One weighs 60 lb and the other 80 lb so I purchased 2 different sizes.! After 3 weeks, their mom says both love the feel of the blankets and sleep soundly. School is over for the year so we'll wait for "focusing and staying in their desk" results next year. Thank you!”

Juanita shares: “My son tossed all night and got up multiple times throughout the night. He loves his weighted blanket. He sleeps better and very seldom gets out of bed. It helps him feel secure and comfortable. Thanks to his Mosaic weighted blanket.”

Jennifer shares: “The first night she cuddled in and fell asleep within 10 minutes, slept the whole night through and woke up happy and smiling! And this has been the case ever since. Before she had her Mosaic Weighted Blanket, I was in her room about an hour before she fell asleep, I was woken numerous times during the night, and getting her up in the morning for school was pure torture.
I wholeheartedly recommend this blanket.”

Jason shares: “My very tactile 11-year-old took immediately to his weighted blanket, and the very cool Minecraft fabric made it extra appealing. He sleeps with it every night and seems more rested in the mornings.”

Laurie shares: “My 4 1/2-year-old has anxiety and rarely sleeps through the night. The first night she slept with her blanket she didn't wake up crying or end up in our bed. Her words are "I like my blanket because it makes me feel safe".

Ben shares: “My son loves his blanket and won't go to bed without it. He sleeps more soundly and is able to fall asleep easier. I am amazed that something relatively simple can provide such wonderful results.”

One of our favorite comments comes from an anonymous customer: “Mosaic Weighted Blankets almost seem like snake oil at first. Oh, sure, this blanket's gonna help me deal with stress and comfort me and soothe my muscles and also make me breakfast and do my taxes. Then you get it. And you lie under it. And, as far as you're concerned, the world's a place of hugs and dreams and happiness. Ten thousand out of ten would absolutely recommend.”

A weighted blanket for a child or teen can range from $90 to $200. Weighted blankets are custom made to height and weight and 10% of body weight are recommended for children and teens, with 1-2 pounds added optionally for additional weight. The fabric carries over 45 fabrics in cotton and also carries plush Minky fabric in a variety of colors. The blankets are made at a commercial facility in Austin, TX and the company ships nationwide.

Sleepless parent Jason who is 41, says it the best. “My wife and I thought it was an odd idea at first that your kid would sleep better with weight. The company has lots of good fabrics for kids, which makes our children eager to use it. In the end, we bought one for each child because our two young girls weren’t sleeping and I was near the end of my rope. Well,end of the story it worked, and we hit a homerun because everyone is sleeping now.”

For more information check out www.mosaicweightedblankets.com