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July 24, 2023 3 min read

Did you know that Mosaic Weighted Blanket makes Anti-Microbial blankets? They are also Hospital Grade. Anti-Microbial Blankets are great for hospitals, schools, senior centers. The antimicrobial technology keeps the fabric fresh between launderings with its long-lasting protection inhibiting odor-causing bacteria and fungus. The thermoplastic fabric composites are strong, durable, antimicrobial, anti-static, flame resistant, stain, odor, fluid-resistant, and resistant to viruses.  Our blankets comes with an attractive 100% cotton cover with zippers (you choose fabric & color) so that you can wash the cover or the blanket.

What are Anti-Microbial fabrics?

Antimicrobial fabrics are made to fight the growth of bacteria, mold, fungus, and other microbes. These microbe-fighting properties come from a chemical treatment, or antimicrobial finish, that is topically applied to textiles during the finishing stage, granting them the ability to inhibit microbial growth. Antimicrobial fabric protects against the growth of bacteria, mold, mildew, and other pathogenic microorganisms. This is achieved by treating textiles with an antimicrobial finish that inhibits the growth of hazardous microbes, creating an added layer of defense and prolonging the life of the fabric. The type of anti-microbial fabric that is used here at Mosaic Weighted Blankets are thermoplastic fabric composites are strong, durable, antimicrobial, anti-static, flame resistant, stain, odor, fluid-resistant, and resistant to viruses. 

What are Thermoplastic fabrics?

Thermoplastic fabrics are made from of man-made fibers, created by extruding polymer materials through spinnerets, forming a filament. Melt spinning is the most commonly used process. This special material with superior heat and resistance, for example, asphalt, paraffin, and polyethylene. Most thermoplastic fabrics are made from a plastic material that molds at a certain high temperature and solidifies when cooled down. The material becomes pliable or moldable at an elevated temperature and hardens after cooling.  Thermoplastic materials can be cooled and heated several times without any change in their chemical or mechanical properties.

How can Weighted Blankets help Hospital's Patients?

Deep Touch Pressure and Its Beneficial Results

Weighted blankets use plastic pellets or glass beads that are distributed throughout the blanket to be around 10% of a person’s IDEAL body weight. The blanket weight will typically range from 5 to 25 pounds. The blanket is constructed in quilted squares so that its weight is distributed evenly, and it’s this weight that helps produce what is called Deep Touch Pressure (DTP).

DTP helps the brain to release serotonin, melatonin, and dopamine.

Serotonin is an important neurotransmitter. Serotonin is often referred to the chemical in your brain that makes you feel happy.

Dopaminehelps to control the brain’s reward system. It’s often associated with sensations such as motivation, happiness, excitement, and bliss, hence, it’s reputation of a “feel-good hormone.”

Melatonin is most often associated with sleep, but its influences go well beyond that, including having some strong immune system benefits.

Since serotonin, melatonin, and dopamine have an impact on the nervous system, the soothing effect of a weighted blanket can offer a feeling of protection (think of a baby being swaddled) once the weight begins to provide deep pressure. Often we hear our customers speak of how using a weighted blanket feels like being hugged.

The nonapeptide hormone Oxytocin (OT) is also released when DTP is applied. While it’s usually released into the bloodstream during sexual activity, labor and childbirth, it also has a positive effect when released by sensory stimulation, and works as a type of natural anti-depressant. A 2015 article from the National Institutes of Health states that the activation of sensory nerves aids in the release of OT and that it can help individuals with stress.

DTP also helps lower cortisol, a steroid that’s produced by the body in relation to stress.

The DTP of weighted blankets have been invaluable for children, not just for those suffering from disorders, but also for use in calming down rowdy or restless children and helping them feel protected and safe.

It’s not just children who can benefit from the use of weighted blankets; adults and seniors can also benefit from them, as part of an overall wellness plan, and/or if they’re experiencing stress, aches, and pains, as well as dementia-related issues, with the deep pressure providing much-needed relief.

Most discussions of weighted sensory blankets focus on children with autism. That’s certainly an important topic -- one in 68 children (one in 42 boys and one in 189 girls) has been diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder, and more than 3.5 million Americans are living with ASD. But weighted blankets aren’t useful only for children, and they aren’t only useful for people with ASD.

What is a weighted blanket’s connection to anxiety? Weighted blankets stimulate deep pressure and the production of calming endorphins in the body, meaning they can help people with anxiety to feel safe and relax.